
「CAINE HILL」所位於的街道名稱及門牌號數:堅道73號* 地區:西營盤及上環 賣方就發展項目「CAINE HILL」指定的互聯網網站的網址:www.cainehill.com.hk



賣方:樂晶有限公司(亦為擁有人及其控權公司為恒基兆業有限公司、恒基兆業地產有限公司、謙耀置業有限公司、Good Time Limited及Broadwin Int'l Limited)。發展項目的認可人士:創智建築師有限公司的吳永順先生 (吳永順先生為創智建築師有限公司的董事)。發展項目的承建商:顯利工程有限公司。賣方代表律師:中倫律師事務所有限法律責任合夥。已為發展項目的建造提供貸款或已承諾為該項建造提供融資的認可機構:不適用。已為發展項目的建造提供貸款的任何其他人:恒基兆業地產代理有限公司及Max-mercan Investment Limited。盡賣方所知的「CAINE HILL」的預計關鍵日期為2023年3月31日。此預計關鍵日期是受到買賣合約所允許的任何延期所規限的。

本廣告/宣傳資料內一切資料,須以政府相關部門最後批准之圖則及法律文件為準。賣方保留一切權利,按實際情況需要作出修改及改動,而無須另行通知。在本廣告/宣傳資料內所載列的描述、參考、相片、繪圖、圖像或其他資料,無論是否明訂或隱含,並不構成或不應被視為提供任何要約、承諾、陳述或保證。此廣告由賣方或在賣方的同意下發布。詳情請參閱售樓說明書。此廣告之製作日期: 2022年1月31日。


1. 此等關於園林、室外空間、環保及其他設施之設計包括但不限於其名稱、間隔、設計、佈局、用途、裝置、裝修物料、設備、系統以至處理器等皆可能改變,只供參考。賣方保留一切權利,按實際情況需要作出改動,而無需另行通知,一切皆以入伙時之實際提供及政府有關部門最後批准之圖則或所需之同意書或許可證為準。

2. 此設計概念圖乃設計師的初步構思,其背景(如有)並非「CAINE HILL」的真實景觀,只供參考。設計概念圖所展示之藝術作品僅供參考,不一定會在日後發展項目入伙後提供,或與實際狀況不同。賣方保留改變或更改藝術作品的設計、顏色、材料、裝置及其他方面的權利。賣方對展示之該等藝術作品並不作任何不論明示或隱含之要約、承諾、陳述或保證,一切皆以入伙時之實際情況為準。賣方保留一切權利,按實際情況需要作出改動,而無須另行通知,並一切皆以入伙時之實際提供及政府有關部門最後批准之圖則或所需之同意書或許可證為準。

3. 賣方對其中展示之商業及餐飲用途並不作任何不論明示或隱含之要約、承諾、陳述或保證,一切皆以入伙時之實際情況為準。

Remarks as well as information and statements required by the law

Street name and street number for CAINE HILL: No. 73 Caine Road* District: Sai Ying Pun & Sheung Wan The address of the website designated by the vendor of the development CAINE HILL is: www.cainehill.com.hk

The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement / promotional material represent an artist’s impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and /or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.

*This provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the development is completed.

Vendor: Sun Crystal Limited (also as the owner and whose holding companies are Henderson Development Limited, Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Mightymark Investment Limited, Good Time Limited and Broadwin Int'l Limited). Authorized Person for the development: Mr. Ng Wing Shun Anthony Vincent of AGC Design Limited (Mr. Ng Wing Shun Anthony Vincent is a director of AGC Design Limited). Building Contractor for the development: Hien Lee Engineering Company Limited. Vendor’s Solicitors: Zhong Lun Law Firm LLP. Authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the development: Not applicable. Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the development: Henderson Real Estate Agency Limited and Max-mercan Investment Limited. To the best of the vendor's knowledge, the estimated material date for CAINE HILL is 31 March 2023. Such date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.

All information contained in this advertisement / promotional material shall be subject to the final plans approved by the relevant Government authorities and legal documentation. The vendor reserves the right to make modifications and changes according to the actual circumstances without prior notice. The description, reference, photograph, drawing, image or other information whatsoever in this advertisement / promotional material shall not constitute or be construed as constituting any offer, promise, representation or warranty, whether expressed or implied. This advertisement is published by, or with the consent of, the vendor. Please refer to the sales brochure for details. Date of production of this advertisement: 31 Jan 2022.


I. The designs of such landscaped areas, outdoor spaces, environmental protection and other facilities, including but not limited to their names, spatial arrangements, designs, layouts, uses, installations, finishes, appliances, systems, and processors, etc. may be changed and are for reference only. The vendor reserves the rights to make modifications and changes according to actual circumstances without prior notice. All should be subject to the actual provisions upon completion and the final plans approved by the relevant Government authorities or the consent letter or permit that required.

II. This design concept is the preliminary idea generated by the designers. Its background (if any) is not the actual scene of "CAINE HILL" and is for reference only. The art pieces shown in the design concept are for reference only, and will not necessarily be provided after completion, or may be different from the actual condition. The vendor reserves the right to change or alter the design, colour, materials, layout, installation and other aspects of the art pieces. For such art pieces shown as aforesaid, the vendor does not give any offer, promise, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, and all should be subject to the actual provisions upon completion. The vendor reserves the right to make modifications and changes according to the actual circumstances without prior notice. All should be subject to the actual provisions upon completion and the final plans approved by relevant Government authorities or the consent letter or permit that required.

III. For those commercial and dining usages shown on this design concept, the vendor does not give any offer, promise, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, and all should be subject to the actual provisions upon completion.